I like this alot. I am a horrible dance, but I do believe that any and all movement liberates.

I have a chronic kidney condition and when I move in a regular basis, it helps. Cycling and swimming are my preferred jams. Even my chiropractor after treating my swollen twister pain ridden body, said, cycling will help. I jumped on the spinning bike last night after several intense weeks of stress and it has liberated me to be more creative and intentional today.

Don't stop the music. Keep dancing.

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"Any and all movement liberates." This is a mantra I need everyday when I think, "I don't have time to move, I'm too busy!" Even a few moments of movement matters so much. Mil gracias, Jamie.

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Oh I loved reading this lovely reflection on dance and embodiment. My first instinct is to say I can't dance, but you helped remind me that anyone can! Have you heard of Faith On Pointe? I was reminded of Julie and her work with that ministry as I read your piece.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7Author

Thanks so much for sharing, Christine! I am just remembering that I stumbled upon Julie and her ministry last week! I'll take it as a nudge to reach out to her. :)

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