Sep 12, 2023Liked by Lauren Grubaugh Thomas

Hi Mother Lauren! I love hearing about this cultural shift. Forming our identity independently of establishments makes me wonder how the formation and feeling of community will evolve. Can we be a healthy society if we are only linked together by social media? It feels like a big shift for a "pack animal" species. Do you intend to explore the meaning of community as you explore formation of identity in today's society?

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Hi Monica! I agree, this cultural shift is really complex given the way we are wired. And I am so curious about what community will practically look and feel like in this context we are actively creating for ourselves. I'm curious to experiment with different ways of gathering, including pop-up community (which is part of what's happening in our neighborhood!) I'll definitely be writing more about this. So glad you're here!

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Lauren Grubaugh Thomas

Thank you Mother Lauren! This really resonated with me, not only as a mother in ministry, but also when you talk about finding a deeper root to your vocation, outside of the trends of neo-capitalism. I feel like there is only a glass door between this place where we are and that immediate future where we are liberated. I can see it, we are so close we can almost touch it, but why can't we just open that door that will take us to a future of ministry where we are all fully seen and embraced? Love your blog.

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Thank you, Yuri! That is such an apt image. I feel the same way, that we are right on the edge of a new reality, but we can't quite articulate it, even as we're beginning to get a sense of what it might look and feel like. I think people and priests like you, with your passion for creative ministry, are going to be forging this new reality in healthy and healing ways that are an antidote to individualistic consumer culture.

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