I find thin places all the time, in the most mundane venues. I've always been particularly sensitive to the spirit of place. Walking around my condo complex yesterday, I noticed how the sun shone on a section of building and the landscaping around it, and it just felt spectacular in an ordinary way. So I took that detour and lapped it up. An unsung spot in an otherwise historically significant landmark also calls to me often, so I go to it and sit or stand or gaze at it for a few minutes. My mind tries to make sense out of why it feels special, but I don't always come up with words to express that. Acknowledging its momentary "good spirit" is enough, with gratitude for its existence and the spirit that dwells there.

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How beautiful to find the sacred in the mundane! I love the idea of finding the "good spirit" of a place. What a powerful way to engage with the spaces we find ourselves. I wonder if you also find yourself sensitive to when a place has a troubled spirit? Thanks for sharing!

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