There’s a world-changing party going on. A Soulful Revolution is on the edge of the dance floor, observing the movement for justice with hopeful curiosity and candor, while practicing moves toward the healing of our spirits and the world.

I am a fellow dancer — a nurturer of faithful dissidents to the status quo, fiercely committed to a spirituality of nonviolence and a political praxis of love in unabashedly strategic action. This dance is beautiful, joyful, and freeing.

And, I’ve had my toes stepped on. I’ve stepped on a good share of toes too. As someone who has always relished being at the center of the dance floor, I’m learning to enjoy stepping back to the edge with regularity and intention. A Soulful Revolution is a loving invitation to join me in embracing change as a spiritual practice, characterized by awe, compassion, and courage. I hope you’ll feel encouraged to freely share what you are learning in your own practice of moving toward peace and justice.

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  • Receive the weekly newsletter in your inbox, along with access to the full archive of essays on the website.

  • Participate in discussion threads with a community of faithful dissidents, as I pose questions for us to collectively ponder.

  • Read excerpts of monthly interviews with soulful revolutionaries.

  • Paid subscribers will also receive access to audio recordings and full transcripts of interviews with soulful revolutionaries, as well as other future bonus content!

About Lauren Grubaugh Thomas

I’m a millennial Episcopal priest gathering community for faith in joyful action while parenting twin toddlers in Littleton, Colorado.

This is a collective, organic conversation. Let’s grow in soulful justice together.

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Soul food for the movement. Dancing where spiritual transformation and social change meet.


nurturing faithful dissidents to the status quo | millennial episcopal priest | twin mama